Being at School

>> Saturday, May 16, 2009

August 24, 2007

By this time, it's so heart-warming to jot down her improvements on visual and writing skills. Her first day at school last June 13, 2007 was really an amazement to me. She was so independent though shy and quiet. She never cried nor look for me when i left her inside the room, unlike most of her classmates who cries when being left behind by their moms and yaya's.

At St. Joseph Learning School - Nursery 1

The first two weeks at school was so stressful to her. She doesn't want to write or follow her teacher's instructions. She doesn't know the colors yet but she's already good in recognizing the shapes and alphabet. Her world at school revolves entirely at her "baon", non-stop chattering to her seatmates, and funny because she often snarl to other kids who keeps on running inside the room. She would even make tantrums over her classmates "baon". Sometimes, she doesn't want to eat her "baon" because what she wants was her classmates "baon". She just merely play, listen and eat during the first 2 weeks.

After 1 month, she excelled already in colors and how to hold the pencil right. She can also strightly follow the dotted lines and she began to learn how to trade her baon to other kids. She sings and recites poem well with actions and full of facial expression and in a loud voice.

Aside from her school, she has learned how to make stories out of her imaginations. She can talk 99% clearly (tagalog and english) with right grammar and diction. The other 1% makes her difficult to pronounce the "R" sound. Goodness but she's so talkative and her nonstop cackle makes everyone laugh and in awe.

She's fond of talking incessantly and tiresomely on the celfone with her daddy. 4x a day, she would imagine speaking to her dad with facial gesture and sweetness. She would tell stories, her daily routines and she would disclose to dad that i scolded her.

Partly, im desolated coz in as much as i want to record her daily routines and small accomplishments, its impossible at this time because our cam was stolen. I hope we can acquire a new one the soonest coz i really love capturing the glows of her eyes even her twisted lips everytime she makes lambing.


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